Programs 2024 - 2028

Residential Programs

Childhood is such a delicate matter that shapes our entire identity and values. We realize this importance and believe in making a home for all the children who are enrolled here.

Currently we have one residential program at  Shayuli Bazar, Lamjung. In its true sense the home is a family with caring staff who keep a constant watch at the children for their security. At the same time, the children are given the freedom to grow on their own and understand life. Considering the vulnerability of the children’s 

background, intensive therapy and counseling is also provided. We fully support sports, computer training, recreational habits and co-curricular activities in this generation of wholesome development.

Our CWE Home in Shyauli Bazar, Lamjung is four different village type building. The layout includes bed rooms, a study room, kitchen, dining hall, and a computer lab with Internet access and a living room with television and board games. The Home at Shayuli Bazar has two houses one for boys and one for girls; it also has a separate office/staff house for management purposes.

Our guardians comprise of our director Mr. Dipak Gurung along with other working staff: cook, a hostel mother, a teacher and an account manager. These people have dedicated their lives to the children and leave no stone unturned to bring the dreams of their kids into a reality. The playground at both the homes is a special attraction for the kids where they let their limbs loose and jump around in glee.

The home is a big family of many children and their loving guardians who work together, play together, learn together and grow together to reach their common goals.

Scholarship Program

Those children who are blessed with a family life with parents or 

folks but lack financial resources to attend school or access to health care are supported by CWE.

Our Scholarship program includes financial support for various students pursuing their formal education in different sectors and levels. We provide them funds for further education, health care and other daily needs.

This program also aims at helping children who grew up in our own Homes reaching the age of 18, who are of age to look after themselves. We show them the way to learn, to live on their own in a home shared with fellow students. They will always receive our support and love but we believe in making them independent by managing their daily lives.

Volunteer Program

“Don’t walk before me, because I may not follow you; don’t walk behind me, because I may not lad you; but just walk beside me and be my friend”.

Do you want to be a part of something meaningful? Do you want to impart your knowledge into shining young stars? Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to do a little good? Our volunteering program is the perfect opportunity for all the above.


We warmly welcome friends from all around the globe, all round the year to come and spend their valuable time and exciting experiences with our children. Whether you want to teach our children the skills you know or just play with them a game of Frisbee, you could make an eternal contribution to our efforts.

Getting to know people from all around the world will enrich our children’s knowledge and understanding of diversity. It will broaden their social interactive skills and the importance of communication. They will be a part of what you know, what you have gone through and your lens of viewing the world. You will be a role model to them or at the least you will bring a big-broad smile to their faces.

Many happy faces will accompany you into the bargain. You will get the chance to submerge yourself in Nepalese lifestyle. Children are as much as amazing teachers and learners and here you have the opportunity to learn the language, culture and socialization. If you choose to travel a little and go to our village school in Shayuli bazar, apart from Pokhara, you will engulf into an untouched Nepal and learn much beyond. We guarantee that this will be a life-time experience for you, a memory to live with through the rest of your life.

What our volunteers say...

Past Programs 2009 - 2023

A Variety of Health Programs (2009 >)

We stand by the saying, “Health is Wealth”. There are a number of health related programs CWE deals in.

> Considering that we are surrounded by our focus on children dental camps are often set up for oral health of children. This not only involves our own children but also all the other kids across different organisations and homes in and around the area. An open invitation to all!

> We realise what big a taboo the issue of Menstruation is in the villages of Nepal. We have taken this up as a core health project where we give awareness to the adolescent and young women about proper menstrual health and hygiene. We try to break their notion that it is something not to be discussed about.

At the same time we promote the use of cloth pads for better health and environment reasons. The sanitary pads found in the market are made with plastic coating and chemicals that causes multiple health problems. It is also hazardous for the environment at the time of their disposal. Not only this, we give training to the women on how to make menstrual cloth pads so that they can be self-sufficient and also spread the usage of menstrual cloth pads.

> The burning of firewood for cooking purposes is a common scene in Nepal. It is no secret that the smoke emitted from such firewood has negative health effects. CWE has provided for smokeless stoves in the villages where it works to ensure that while the stoves are still accessible to the villagers, they do not have to face the black smoke.

Women Empowerment Program (2015 >)

The development of a society is incomplete unless the women are independent socially and financially. CWE ensures that women too are a part of its helping aid.

After the devastating Earthquake in Nepal in 2015, the loss of family, economy and nature was beyond reach. People have lost their families and foes. Such women who have had to go through 

this heart wrenching departure were taken in by CWE and a new life was given to them. A training program was started with 25 women and they were given expertise in weaving various kinds of bags. Although the training Center is now a private enterprise, CWE stands by it morally, whenever needed.

The idea was to make them financially stable so that they did not have to depend on anyone ever again. Right after three months, the women learnt the art of weaving and today they run their own Handicraft Centre in Bhorletar, a village close to Ram Bazar. CWE is proud to see how these women who lost their smiles on faces are slowly rehabilitating into a regular life.

Today, it is not just the victims of Earthquake who are members, but many women in the adjoining areas have joined in looking at the success rate. There is not just variety in the bags that is woven but also a pure sense of ethnicity connected to them. All the bags are made with cotton threads and woven in absolute traditional method.

Feed the Children Program (2018 >)

Nutrition is one of the biggest concerns in child development. CWE has started two feeding in school program to ensure proper body and mind growth of the children.

In association with Unite Nepal run by Lee Willaims, the Feed 80 program was first initiated in Laxmi Primary School, Shyauli Bazar. The fact that the children have to walk for several miles and then spend the entire day without a proper meal was very disturbing. 

After our contact with Lee, we started a mid-day feeding program where all the students are given a basic and nutritious lunch comprising of rice, pulses, soya and vegetables. The guardians of the students are the Magic chefs for the children. They take turns in rotation to prepare the meal.

This program is not just for the children coming from CWE but also every other child who goes to the school. With its success in Laxmi Primary School, a recent extension of the same program has been made in Bindeshwori Primary School. Now the program has been renamed as Feed 100+ as students are gradually increasing in number.

All the amenities needed for this program which includes the food raw materials, rice cooker, gas stove, spices and so on are funded by Lee and the team of Unit Nepal and we are extremely thankful for this gesture. Above all, we thank Unite Nepal to join hands with us in bringing smiles on the faces of the children. Nothing makes them happier than a happy meal.

To know more about the unite Nepal and Feed 100+ program click here

Help me continue my work for Nepal

It has been 15 years that Child Welfare and Education is running. I have a good lot of 100 kids, my own kids. Currently about 29 kids are in Pokhara, CWE Children Home. Their morning laugher is something I look forward too. I am not just someone who opened an orphanage but also someone who stayed good long years within it.